Assignment 2.2 upgrading long after core upgraded to 2.8?

Assignment 2.2 upgrading long after core upgraded to 2.8?

Jock Coats - દ્વારા
Number of replies: 1

Really just asking in case anyone's familiar with this issue and has done it before...

We've had a request from an academic to download a bunch of assignment papers from 2012-13 for him to take to some conference. We were probably on about Moodle 2.4 back then. Either way, the Moodle assignment plugin in use was the 2.2 one that was removed from Moodle 2.7 and above. I suspect we should have bit the bullet when we moved to 2.8 and used the assignment upgrade tool to upgrade all previous 2.2 assignments. But we didn't for some reason (a corporate decision).

Does anyone know if there's a way of doing this now? Some documentation at seems to suggest it might be possible by having both plugins installed. But I think reading between the lines that should have been done before we passed the 2.7 core mark. It refers to the "new" assignment plugin being in mod/assign and the old you can therefore put in mod/assignment but nowadays the new, now default one, appears to be in mod/assignment anyway, so that cannot be used.

I've tried backup and restore to another system and seeing if I can do it "offline" by accessing the xml file from the backup, but it doesn't contain the individual submission files, just the internal IDs for them, which presumably correspond to filenames in the moodledata folder structure somewhere.

So I'm running around in circles at the moment. If anyone's been asked to do this in the past and succeeded I could just do with some pointers.



In reply to Jock Coats

Re: Assignment 2.2 upgrading long after core upgraded to 2.8?

Davo Smith - દ્વારા
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You could try the process described here:

I can't promise how well it will work, so it may be best to try it out on a copy of your site's DB + moodledata, rather than on the live site.