Configurable Reports - Permissions issue

Configurable Reports - Permissions issue

eftir J K -
Number of replies: 0


We're using Moodle 2.8.3. and have been successfully using the Configurable Reports block (with several custom reports) for some time, without issue.

  • However, on adding a new user (adding "User field value" ID to Permissions), we immediately get the (dreaded) message "Error: Database connection failed  It is possible that the database is overloaded or otherwise not running properly.  The site administrator should also check that the database details have been correctly specified in config.php"
    • The User ID ID is valid
    • The system is not overloaded - we have also run on test server with only Admin User
  • The only way of resolving this has been to remove the User field from Permissions, then stop/start the system
  • This is s very serious issue for us and would really appreciate any input ....


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