Get data from LRS? Get current User or current Course?

Get data from LRS? Get current User or current Course?

par Ben Cole,
Nombre de réponses : 3
Can I use this plugin to generate a report using data from an External LRS? Also, if I add this as a block to an existing course, how would I get the current course name or ID for use in the SQL queries?



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En réponse à Ben Cole

Re: Get data from LRS? Get current User or current Course?

par Ben Cole,

Also, is there any way to reformat the data from an SQL report? I have a report working, but in one field I have a string which has 3 values separated by commas. Any way I can somehow input some code to split that string and format it into a neat sentence rather than just the raw data from the database being displayed?

En réponse à Ben Cole

Re: Get data from LRS? Get current User or current Course?

par Ghislain Fabre,
Hi Ben,
I'm also interested by your question. Since you have posted your message, have you found a way or more information, or a workaround, to get data from a LRS to generate a report with this plugin ?