2.9 Adding a piece of data from a COLUMN from quiz_attempts to the certificate

2.9 Adding a piece of data from a COLUMN from quiz_attempts to the certificate

Wendi Daniels -
Atsakymų skaičius: 0

I have seen how we can add a piece of data from a ROW of user_info_fields, but  how do we add a piece of data from a COLUMN from quiz_attempts?


Another way to get what I need it to add the data as a piece of information to user_info_fields. I have already set up the data row, and now I need to know how I program the quiz to send it to the database.

This is the correct code to add the information  to the COLUMN in quiz_attempts:

$DB->set_field('quiz_attempts', 'certid', (directing code), array('id' => $attemptid));


I have not found the magic bullet for creating a piece of data in ROW in user_info_fields

...kindly advise?

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