To host or not to host a moodle site

Re: To host or not to host a moodle site

wót Rick Jerz -
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Okay Teresa, now you're talking!  Still need to know "how big" so that we might do a better job replying.

I have hosted my own moodle for around 7 years.  I have about 15 courses per year, and about 400-500 students per year.  I started hosting my moodle on a $5US/month hosted server.  When this became too small, I moved to a VPS (GoDaddy) and I pay around $200US/year for this.  I think I could easily handle twice my course/student load, if needed.  By having a VPS with a hosting company, I don't have to worry about all of the network hardware issues.

I am pretty good with technology, don't mind learning new things (like Linux), and my Moodle has performed solidly for me.  Having a great LMS available to myself, which my colleagues don't have, gives me an (unfair) advantage educating my students.

Yes, I really like the freedom of being my own administrator and deciding myself what features I want and don't want.  If I were to leave this to an IT department they would probably compromise my capabilities.

Some of how hard things are depends upon your own personal demands for features.  I run a pretty standard moodle with only 3 plugins. I also run one of the basic themes (MORE) and customize this only with CSS code.  I never touch any of the core moodle code.  I also use self-enrollment for students, which has always worked very well.

However, if I were going to do this for a school with 5,000 students, I would probably switch to a third party provider.

Incidentally, I am a professor and not a network support person.  As I professor, I do all of this on my own.