Students not seeing that they have achieved criteria. Version 2.9.2

Students not seeing that they have achieved criteria. Version 2.9.2

על ידי Shane Parry בתאריך
מספר תגובות: 0

Hi guys, I need some help, I have been having this issue for quite a while. 

When grading students work on Moodle, I change the criteria drop down box to 'Achieved' as seen in 'Example1' but whenever a student logs in to see if their work has been graded, they are not seeing that they have achieved the criteria as seen in 'Example2'. It is showing as being graded and you can see the comments at the bottom of the screen but the main issue is not being able to see the criteria achieved. 

Any help will be appreciated.

צרופה Example 1.png
צרופה Example 2.png
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