Problem with Moodle 2.6.4 + Moodle mobile 2.7

Problem with Moodle 2.6.4 + Moodle mobile 2.7

Cyrus Chan -
Кількість відповідей: 4


We found the Moodle mobile 2.7 doesn't work well with our Moodle 2.6.3+ (Build: 20140605), while the older verion Moodle Mobile 2.6 works well.

When Moodle mobile 2.7 is used, the content takes long time (>5 minutes) to load the content, and sometimes the content cannot be loaded.

May I know if anything I can fix the problem, or where can I get the order veriosn Moodle Mobile 2.6 apk or ipa?

Many thanks.

У відповідь на Cyrus Chan

Re: Problem with Moodle 2.6.4 + Moodle mobile 2.7

Dani Palou -
Фото Core developers Фото Moodle HQ Фото Peer reviewers Фото Plugin developers

Hi Cyrus,

we are aware that the feature to download sections (included in 2.7) has slowed down the loading of course contents, specially if the course has a lot of content. We've never found a delay so huge though сумую 

Which screen exactly is taking so much to load? Are you testing it on a tablet or on a smartphone?

Today we're releasing a new version with a fix about content not being loaded, but unfortunately we still haven't been able to speed up the loading of course contents so any feedback will be appreciated.

Kind regards,


У відповідь на Dani Palou

Re: Problem with Moodle 2.6.4 + Moodle mobile 2.7

Cyrus Chan -

Hi Dani,

Thanks for your reply and update.

I did the upgrade to new verions 2.8 but I afraid the Contents are still being loaded slowly, please kindly see the screenshot.  A page with a mesasge "Loading" when I click the "Contents" of a course.

I am using a smartphone for testing, but some of our students using iPad reported the same problem.

I appreciate your help.

Вкладення screenshot.jpg
У відповідь на Cyrus Chan

Re: Problem with Moodle 2.6.4 + Moodle mobile 2.7

Dani Palou -
Фото Core developers Фото Moodle HQ Фото Peer reviewers Фото Plugin developers

Hi Cyrus,

your screenshot confirms me that the problem is due to the feature to download sections.

In 2.7 we introduced this feature that allows users to download a whole section by clicking the download button next to it. The problem is that we need to check the status of all the resources of a section to be able to determine which button to show, so if a section has a lot of resources  this can be slow. We have a memory "cache" to speed up this process, but it's emptied when the app is closed.

The only solution we found is to allow disabling this feature. We'll probably introduce a new setting in "App Settings" so any user can disable this feature. If they disable it then the contents should be loaded faster (like in 2.6), but they won't be able to download a whole section at once.

Kind regards,


У відповідь на Dani Palou

Re: Problem with Moodle 2.6.4 + Moodle mobile 2.7

Cyrus Chan -

Hi Dani,

Thanks for your reply again.

I understand, I think it could solve the problem by allowing students to disable this feature (temporarily)  , when they don't need to download sections.

I am looking forward to the coming new version of Moodle Mobile app, and thanks for effort indeed.

Best Regards,


P.S. I think "download section" is a great feature, but just my silly think, it is feasible to put the "download section" feature elsewhere? like at the top/button of the "Contents" page, or a button to click when students want to download files in a section?