MSA-16-0002: XSS Vulnerability in course management search

MSA-16-0002: XSS Vulnerability in course management search

بواسطة - Marina Glancy
عدد الردود: 0
Description: Search string in course management interface was not escaped when being output creating potential for XSS attack
Issue summary: XSS Vulnerability in course management search
Severity/Risk: Serious
Versions affected: 3.0 to 3.0.1, 2.9 to 2.9.3 and 2.8 to 2.8.9
Versions fixed: 3.0.2, 2.9.4 and 2.8.10
Reported by: Oliveira Lima
Issue no.: MDL-52552
CVE identifier: CVE-2016-0725
Changes (master):