Hi Darko,
I am using Moodle 3.0 and am trying to attach an image to the Certificate module by Mark Nelson
I tried many approaches but failed in all
I also tried your approach but am unable to print the image in pdf, the certificate module uses tcpdf
Can you guide please
The code I am using is as below
// This file is part of the Certificate module for Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* A4_non_embedded certificate type
* @package mod_certificate
* @copyright Mark Nelson <markn@moodle.com>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
$pdf = new PDF($certificate->orientation, 'mm', 'A4', true, 'UTF-8', false);
$pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(false, 0);
// Define variables
// Landscape
if ($certificate->orientation == 'L') {
$x = 10;
$y = 30;
$sealx = 230;
$sealy = 150;
$sigx = 162;
$sigy = 148;
$custx = 10;
$custy = 155;
$wmarkx = 40;
$wmarky = 31;
$wmarkw = 212;
$wmarkh = 148;
$brdrx = 0;
$brdry = 0;
$brdrw = 297;
$brdrh = 210;
$codey = 10;
} else { // Portrait
$x = 10;
$y = 40;
$sealx = 150;
$sealy = 220;
$sigx = 30;
$sigy = 230;
$custx = 30;
$custy = 230;
$wmarkx = 26;
$wmarky = 58;
$wmarkw = 158;
$wmarkh = 170;
$brdrx = 0;
$brdry = 0;
$brdrw = 210;
$brdrh = 297;
$codey = 250;
// Darko
global $USER, $PAGE;
$userpicture = new user_picture($USER);
$url = $userpicture->get_url($PAGE);
// Or display the image
//echo html_writer::tag('img', $url->out(false), array('target' => '_blank', 'class' => 'aaa bbb', 'style' => 'font-weight: bold;')); <<< This hangs the PDF creation
//User picture
$picx = 100; // Picture horizontal position.
$picy = 40; // Picture vertical position.
$picw = 50; // Picture width.
$pich = 50; // Picture height.
$context = context_user::instance($USER->id, IGNORE_MISSING);
if ($context) {
$fs = get_file_storage();
// Prepare file record object
$fileinfo = array(
'component' => 'user', // usually = table name
'filearea' => 'icon', // usually = table name
'itemid' => 0, // usually = ID of row in table
'contextid' => $context->id, // ID of context
'filepath' => '/', // any path beginning and ending in /
'filename' => 'f3.png'); // any filename
// Get file.
// $file = $fs->get_file($fileinfo['contextid'], $fileinfo['component'], $fileinfo['filearea'],
// null, $fileinfo['filepath'], $fileinfo['filename']);
$file = $fs->get_file($context->id,'user','icon',null,'/',$fileinfo['filename']);
// $fileinfo['itemid']
// Print image.
if ($file) {
$contenthash = $file->get_contenthash();
$l1 = $contenthash[0] . $contenthash[1];
$l2 = $contenthash[2] . $contenthash[3];
$location = $CFG->wwwroot . '/filedir' . '/' . $l1 . '/' . $l2 . '/' . $contenthash; (also used dataroot instead of wwwroot)
$pdf->image($location, $picx, $picy, $picw, $pich);
// Add images and lines
certificate_print_image($pdf, $certificate, CERT_IMAGE_BORDER, $brdrx, $brdry, $brdrw, $brdrh);
certificate_draw_frame($pdf, $certificate);
// Set alpha to semi-transparency
certificate_print_image($pdf, $certificate, CERT_IMAGE_WATERMARK, $wmarkx, $wmarky, $wmarkw, $wmarkh);
certificate_print_image($pdf, $certificate, CERT_IMAGE_SEAL, $sealx, $sealy, '', '');
certificate_print_image($pdf, $certificate, CERT_IMAGE_SIGNATURE, $sigx, $sigy, '20', '20');
// certificate_print_image($pdf, $certificate, $location, $x, $y, '', '');
// $pdf->Image($a, $picx, $picy, $picw, $pich);
// Add text
$pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 120);
certificate_print_text($pdf, $x, $y, 'C', 'Helvetica', '', 30, get_string('title', 'certificate'));
$pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
certificate_print_text($pdf, $x, $y + 20, 'C', 'Times', '', 20, get_string('certify', 'certificate'));
certificate_print_text($pdf, $x + 53, $y + 35, 'L', 'Helvetica', '', 30, fullname($USER));
certificate_print_text($pdf, $x, $y + 55, 'C', 'Helvetica', '', 20, get_string('statement', 'certificate'));
// certificate_print_text($pdf, $x + 103, $y + 77, 'L', 'Helvetica', '', 20, format_string($course->fullname));
certificate_print_text($pdf, $x + 57, $y + 111, 'L', 'Helvetica', '', 14, certificate_get_date($certificate, $certrecord, $course). ' at '. $USER->profile['instname']. ', '. $USER->profile['instarea']);
certificate_print_text($pdf, $x + 95, $y + 96, 'L', 'Helvetica', '', 14, certificate_get_grade($certificate, $course));
// certificate_print_text($pdf, $x, $y + 115, 'C', 'Times', '', 10, certificate_get_outcome($gradeercent, $course));
// certificate_print_text($pdf, $x + 37, $y + 95, 'L', 'Helvetica', '', 15, $USER->profile['instname']. ', '. $USER->profile['instarea']);
// certificate_print_text($pdf, $x + 37, $y + 100, 'L', 'Helvetica', '', 15, $USER->profile['instarea']);
if ($certificate->printhours) {
// certificate_print_text($pdf, $x + 37, $y + 117, 'L', 'Helvetica', '', 12, get_string('credithours', 'certificate') . ': ' . $certificate->printhours);
certificate_print_text($pdf, $x + 8, $codey + 27, 'L', 'Times', '', 20,' Code : '. certificate_get_code($certificate, $certrecord));
$i = 0;
if ($certificate->printteacher) {
$context = context_module::instance($cm->id);
if ($teachers = get_users_by_capability($context, 'mod/certificate:printteacher', '', $sort = 'u.lastname ASC', '', '', '', '', false)) {
foreach ($teachers as $teacher) {
certificate_print_text($pdf, $sigx, $sigy + ($i * 4), 'L', 'Times', '', 12, fullname($teacher));
$pdf->image($url, $picx, $picy, $picw, $pich);