Generico Showcase

Re: Generico Showcase

by Andy Chaplin -
Number of replies: 0

Hi All!

I've put together a filter which is based on Vernon's video background.  The idea for this was to create individual backgrounds for different courses, so that different departments could have their own images underlaying their courses, or course creators can use different images for different topics - in my case, I'll be using business images behind my commercial courses, school images for teachers, catering images for catering English courses and so on.  

Some templates allow background images, but as far as I know, none of them allow you to change it according to the course.  I think this not only helps with design, it is also a subtle orienteering point for learners.

The screenshot shows an example using the Morecandy theme and the Grid course format.  I've also tested it with Grid using More and Clean.  It will probably look best with a fairly neutral background image.  Here I took an image and placed it on a white background and set the transparency of the image to 80%.  You just add the filter to the course introduction section.

Hope you find it useful, or can use it as a springboard for your own ideas.

All the best,
