BigBlueButtons Plugin: Moving a Recording

BigBlueButtons Plugin: Moving a Recording

par Romeo S,
Nombre de réponses : 2
Hello there!

Is there any way to "move" a recording to a BigBlueButton activity in another Moodle class room?  On the BigBlueButton server I've tried to adjust the <meetingId> parameter in /var/bigbluebutton/published/presentation/id-string/metadata.xml, however the recording didn't show up in the other classroom.  

Thank you for any hints.

Kind regards,

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En réponse à Romeo S

Re: BigBlueButtons Plugin: Moving a Recording

par Jesus Federico,
Avatar Plugin developers

Hi Romero,

This has nothing to do with the BigBlueButton server. The actual recording information is fetched from the BigBluebutton server by the plugin, but the query is based on the information registered in its own logs and stored in mdl_bigbluebuttonbn_log. So, no matter if you change the text in BBB, if is not in the logs it is not even going to look it up.

Now, do you want to "move" it or just copy it?

For making a copy you would only need to insert a new row in the log with the same values of the recording you want to copy. All but the courseid. In that column you need to put the course id of your target course.

INSERT INTO mdl_bigbluebuttonbn_log (meetingid,courseid,bigbluebuttonbnid,userid,timecreated,event,meta) VALUES ('7a34f5b77668a72ff114cefd82af98ee712adf3d-4-1',4,1,2,1448987684,'Create','{"record":true}');

It is important here that the piece of JSON in the column meta has the value record set to true, otherwise the effort will be useless.

If you want to make the recording disapear from the other course you can DELETE all the possibly created ROWS corresponding to that activity that have the JSON meta with record set to true. Since you are making it disappear  you may want to delete them all though (including the Join events).

A second option for hiding the recording from one course without affecting the logs is to change the value record to false in all the ROWS corresponding to that activity. This won't "delete" the recording but it will make it disappear from the list.

I hope this helps.


En réponse à Jesus Federico

Re: BigBlueButtons Plugin: Moving a Recording

par Romeo S,

Dear Jesus,

Many thanks for your appreciated guidance.  We have multiple recordings for the same meeting and would like to "move" just one particular recording of that meeting.  In the table bigbluebutton_log all of the CREATE events in this course refer to the same meetingid, so I need to set all CREATE events to record: false.  However, in that case none of the recordings for that meeting will be visible anymore.  If I only set record:false for that one particular recording (based on the timecreated timestamp), I still see all recordings of that meeting.   There is no way to achieve this with one particular recording when several recordings exist for the same meeting?


Kind regards,