where to set/change "$action" for different assignment type

where to set/change "$action" for different assignment type

аз Brian Jones -
Number of replies: 0
Currently, the details.php file in the assignment module is called by the course/mod.php file, and doesn't pass an $action variable, so when details.php calls the setup() function in lib.php, it also doesn't pass one along, even though the function can take an $action variable as an argument.

The result of this is that, for a new assignment type, I can't figure out how the proper way to make the "action" of the form created by  assignment/type/mytype/mod.html something other than the default, which is course/mod.php, which is useless to me. I need to sneak a form between the form that says "Email alerts to teachers" and "Allow resubmitting", and the call to view.php of the assignment module. Best I can tell, the best way to do this is to change the "action" of the form created by mod.html, but I can't do that without mucking with code in the base assignment module.

Any clues?