Grade to pass? is this possible with hotpot quizes?

Grade to pass? is this possible with hotpot quizes?

Nyree Williams -
Atsakymų skaičius: 11


Is it possible to set a 'grade to pass' with Hotpot quizzes? eg a student must get 18/20 to pass.



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Atsakymas į Nyree Williams

Re: Grade to pass? is this possible with hotpot quizes?

Gordon Bateson -
Core developers paveikslėlis Peer reviewers paveikslėlis Plugin developers paveikslėlis

Hello Nyree,
the Hot Potatoes exercises themselves do not incorporate the idea of passing or failing.

However, the gradebook in Moodle 2.x does allow you to specify a pass grade for any activity that can have a grade, including the HotPot and TaskChain activities. Once you have done this, then grades for that activity appear in the Moodle gradebook in green for passing grades, and red for failing grades.

Furthermore, you can combine this with Moodle's activity completion functionality, so that a HotPot does not get marked as complete on a student's Moodle course page, until the student achieves a passing grade for the HotPot.

And finally, if your Moodle site has conditional activities enabled, you can set things up so that a student cannot access activities that appear AFTER the HotPot in the course, until they have completed the HotPot by getting a passing grade.

This is really using Moodle 2.x to its full potential besišypsantis

all the best

P.S. Although the passing grade completion functionality was available in TaskChain, it was not available in HotPot. I have just copied the functionality across from TaskChain to HotPot, and released a new version of the HotPot module. Please arrange for the HotPot module on your Moodle site to be updated, so that you can get the new functionality.

Atsakymas į Gordon Bateson

Re: Grade to pass? is this possible with hotpot quizes?

Susanna Wesson -

Dear Gordon,

I am also interested in using Activity completion, but not exactly in the same way as Nyree.

I do not want to set a 'passing grade' because my HotPots are designed for students to learn and practise. The final score is not what I'm interested in; furthermore, some actions (using hints and help) cause the score to go down, when what I want the students to do is to actually use these buttons.

Thus, what I ask the students to do is to make sure a hotpot exercise is marked as 'Completed' in the Hotpot Report, ie, all the correct answers have been found (by whatever means).

Simply viewing the activity is not sufficient and asking students to check the activity as completed manually would not be effective.

Is it possible to use the Hotpot 'Completed' criterion as a condition for an exercise to be checked off as Completed by the Activity Completion function?

Best regards,

Atsakymas į Susanna Wesson

Re: Grade to pass? is this possible with hotpot quizes?

Gordon Bateson -
Core developers paveikslėlis Peer reviewers paveikslėlis Plugin developers paveikslėlis

Hi Susanna,
I understand what you mean. There is a setting just for you besišypsantis

With completion enabled on your site and course, go to the settings page for your HotPot activity, scroll down to the "Activity completion" section, and use the following settings (as in the screenshot):

  • set "Completion tracking" to "Show activity as complete when conditions are met"
  • check the box to enable "Require completed status"
  • click the "Save and return to course" button at the bottom of the page

You should then get the behavior you are looking for jėga

best regards

P.S. If the "Activity Completion" settings for your HotPot are not the same as those in the screenshot, please arrange for the HotPot module on your site to be updated at the next convenient opportunity.

Priedas hotpot.activity.completion.settings.png
Atsakymas į Gordon Bateson

Re: Grade to pass? is this possible with hotpot quizes?

Susanna Wesson -


It is indeed exactly what I wanted: how nice to know there are settings just for me!

I'm awaiting the Hotpot update module update on our site and will report back.

Thank you again,

Best regards,


Atsakymas į Gordon Bateson

Re: Grade to pass? is this possible with hotpot quizes?

Susanna Wesson -

Dear Gordon,

Unfortunately, my Administrator says she cannot access the update. This is the message she sees:

You do not have permission to view this version" lorsque j'accède à

Best regards,


Atsakymas į Susanna Wesson

Re: Grade to pass? is this possible with hotpot quizes?

Gordon Bateson -
Core developers paveikslėlis Peer reviewers paveikslėlis Plugin developers paveikslėlis

She's bookmarked the wrong URL. That URL is for a previous version of HotPot, which I have removed from public view so that people don't download it thinking that it is the latest version. Here are four ways to get the REAL latest version of the HotPot module:

[1] bookmark the following page:

And then always get the version available from the big, green "Download" button on the top-right of the page.

[2] use the following URL, which always points to a zip file of the latest version of the HotPot module and does NOT change - even though obviously the contents of the zip file WILL change besišypsantis 

[3] allow Moodle to keep the plugins uptodate automatically by enabling the Automatic updates deployment on your site. However, that requires relaxing the access permissions on at least some of the folders on the server.

[4] The most reliable, speedy and safe way to update Moodle plugins that I have found is using GIT - see GIT for administrators


Atsakymas į Gordon Bateson

Re: Grade to pass? is this possible with hotpot quizes?

Susanna Wesson -

Many thanks for your swift (how do you do it?) and comprehensive reply. I've passed on the information.


Atsakymas į Susanna Wesson

Re: Grade to pass? is this possible with hotpot quizes?

Susanna Wesson -

Since my last post, I have understood that the ticked box next to an activity in editing mode is just for information. It doesn't mean the activity is considered as actually complete. However, I still have the same problem.


Atsakymas į Gordon Bateson

Re: Grade to pass? is this possible with hotpot quizes?

Susanna Wesson -


The Hotpot module has been updated and the Activity completion settings appear as in your screenshot. I have set some actvities to 'Require complete status' as an experiment.

I have 'completed' these activities.

However, they only show up as completed activities (ie with a tick in the box on the course page) in editing mode. They do not show up in the Activity completion report.  Presumably because they have been completed, I can't reset to any other settings (eg require grade). The setting 'require complete status' automatically reappears when I go back into the activity settings.

I tested (though not extensively) the other settings (require grade etc) before the update and they worked normally.

Are there other settings I have missed?


Priedas Activity-completion-editing-mode.png
Atsakymas į Susanna Wesson

Re: Grade to pass? is this possible with hotpot quizes?

Gordon Bateson -
Core developers paveikslėlis Peer reviewers paveikslėlis Plugin developers paveikslėlis

Oh dear, my bad. I do apologize. As you point out, there was a bug with the completion functionality in the HotPot module.

I have fixed it, I think, so I would be grateful if you could download the latest version and try again.


Atsakymas į Gordon Bateson

Re: Grade to pass? is this possible with hotpot quizes?

Susanna Wesson -


Yes, it's fixed and working fine. It'll be a very effective tool for the students (and for me).

Thank you for all your hard work.

Best regards,
