Adding URL links

Adding URL links

de Pat Butler -
Número de respuestas: 0
Hello Moodlers,
I'm a newbie to Moodle, no moodling around...wonder if you can help me with this question:
is there a video that explains the URL activity/resource I can watch, to see what the pros/cons are? 

I think I saw one in the Intro course that there is a benefit to bringing a page in, rather than just linking to a page or website.  In case the link gets broken, or a PRD goes off the internet, etc., etc.

It seems standard practice to just link to websites however.

I'm wondering if it refers specifically to a PRD that you download from a site, the upload into your Moodle course, so if it ever 'goes away' you still have the resource on your course. 

Ring a bell with anyone?

Thanks for your help!

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