Book export error

Book export error

Kathir Rajaraman發表於
Number of replies: 2

Dear All,

 I export the book but i got some error.

'Can not create file "30/mod_book/chapter/1/1/wayside.png"'. How to resolve the issue ?

Can you anyone help me 


Kathir .R 

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In reply to Kathir Rajaraman

Re: Book export error

Mary Cooch發表於
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Hello. Sorry you are having difficulties with the Book. I deleted your duplicate post which you just added to the General Developer forum because repeating problems just fragments any help you might get. I hope if I reply here to your original post it might prompt others to look at your issue too. Could you please outline step by step what you did when exporting your book? I presume when you say "export" you mean you clicked on "Generate IMS CP"? In your course, do you actually have an image in the book called "wayside.png"?

In reply to Mary Cooch

Re: Book export error

Kathir Rajaraman發表於

Hi Mary,

First thanks for your reply. Am a coder. That's only i post developer forum. Its Okay.

My problem is i had created one book. But Chapter and sub chapters more pages available include images , audio and videos files also. 

Then I clicked Generate IMS CP in my course i got 

Can not create file "30/booktool_exportimscp/temp/269/1/wayside.png" errors. How to solve the issue ? 


Kathir R

附件 error_book_export.PNG