Grid Format - Hiding Introduction

Re: Grid Format - Hiding Introduction

av Andy Chaplin -
Antall svar: 0

Hi Gareth,

I finally tracked down the issue - it was much more prosaic!  The link in your post above shows the current master and the code thqat needs to be commented out has shifted.

The code...

if ($thissection->summary or !empty($modinfo->sections[0]) or $PAGE->user_is_editing()) {
echo $this->start_section_list();
echo $this->section_header($thissection, $course, true, $displaysection);
echo $this->courserenderer->course_section_cm_list($course, $thissection, $displaysection);
echo $this->courserenderer->course_section_add_cm_control($course, 0, $displaysection);
echo $this->section_footer();
echo $this->end_section_list();

starts now at line 764.  Being a coding moron, I looked at the line numbers rather than the content of those lines.  Once I compared it with my working site it was obvious what I had done wrong.

Sorry to have wasted your time (and I have now started my own ammendments log!)

All the best
