Having users watch a video then take a short quiz to complete

Re: Having users watch a video then take a short quiz to complete

Rick Dennis -
Atsakymų skaičius: 0

I am a newbie using V 2.9

I created a course, then inside the course, I created a lesson. Inside the lesson, I created 2 content pages and 1 true/false page.

I have a YouTube video embedded on the content page, at the bottom of the content page I have a jump image to the true/false page. All of this, including the jumps work fine.

I will need to have some way, not allowing users to go straight from watching the content video page to the question true/false page, without spending little to no time watching the video I have embedded on the page. I need someway of blocking them a bit.

I do want the simplest way to handle this, since simplest is always best.

I did see inside of the site administration settings, there is Dashboard / ► Site administration / ► Advanced features

Site settings for site administration

Are these the settings I need to change?

If so, what should each one of these settings be set to?

Then are there more settings to change inside of the course itself or any place else and what should I set them to?