Quiz results block - Maximum score (order by latest maximum score)

Quiz results block - Maximum score (order by latest maximum score)

av Anders Stausholm Kühl -
Antal svar: 1

Is it possible to make the "quiz results block" display the latest highest score.

Not just the highest score but also by timestamp - so if "Student 1" gets maximum points, and "Student 2" gets maximum points one minut after. The quizresult block will display "Student 2" on top of student 1 - in the quizresult block?

Moodle 2.8.5


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Som svar till Anders Stausholm Kühl

Ang: Quiz results block - Maximum score (order by latest maximum score)

av Anders Stausholm Kühl -


In block_quiz_results.php  - line 128

$grades = $DB->get_records('quiz_grades', array('quiz' => $quizid), 'grade, timemodified DESC');  //change DESC to assending ASC
