Bedford College: Moodle ePLP

Bedford College: Moodle ePLP

von Graham Stone -
Anzahl Antworten: 3
Nutzerbild von Testers

Good Morning,

Back in September there was mention of Bedford College maybe releasing their successful Moodle ePLP, Guardian/Employer Portal and Reporting Dashboard.  Did this ever get released to the Moodle community and if so where would i find further information about it?

Many Thanks,

Als Antwort auf Graham Stone

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Als Antwort auf Graham Stone

Re: Bedford College: Moodle ePLP

von Roy Currie -

H Graham,

We are currently engaged in a very positive discussions about ways in which these can be released to the community with proper support behind them. In the mean time, we have been making them available to a small number of colleges for piloting and evaluation purposes.  If you are interested in being involved in this, send me an email at

Best wishes
