Embedding Mathslate editor in questions with filter

Embedding Mathslate editor in questions with filter

le Daniel Thies -
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After the discussion of embedding Desmos in quiz questions, I decided to try to create a filter to embed the Mathslate mathematics editor into quiz questions.  I have a reasonably good for version available now.  Before installing you will need to upgrade the TinyMCE Mathslate to the latest version in my github. Then make sure that MathJax and the TinyMCE version are working correctly.Mathslate short answer

The filter is used to insert a drag and drop editor instance in front of a text input box.  It should work with short answer, embedded, essay, formula, algebra, and STACK question types.  While editing a question's text inserting 


will insert a standard Mathslate editor in front of the next input element that appears in HTML of the question.  The expression in Mathslate work area will be copied to the input element to be checked when the question or quiz is submitted. Different configurations of the editor can be specified with the type parameter above.  Each type is specified by a JSON configuration file.  If this file supports more output formats these can be specified with the format parameter. 

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