renderer.php for local plugins in combination with standard_head_html()

renderer.php for local plugins in combination with standard_head_html()

napisao/la Kathrin Osswald -
Broj odgovora: 1


I'm writing a local plugin that adds several tags to the <head> of the page. I managed to get this to work with the lib.php by using additionalhtmlhead.

Now I'm wondering if it would be better to have those functions not in the lib but in a renderer.php.

To realize this, I made the follwing:

class local_pluginname_core_renderer extends core_renderer {

public function standard_head_html() {

        //some code



But the function is not called. And I don't exactly know if those functions are also for other purposes than only for themes unless I only find theme related tutorials to this renderer topic.

Best regards
