Certificate module - Add user profile fields to certificate report

Certificate module - Add user profile fields to certificate report

per John Mallon -
Nombre de respostes: 1


I was wondering if anyone knows how to add user profile fields to the downloadable certificate report? I need a report that shows the date my staff completed a course. The certificate report shows this but I would need the city field to display on this report also so that I know what office they are based in.

I don't need the information to display on the certificate itself, just on the downloadable report.

Many thanks,


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En resposta a John Mallon

Re: Certificate module - Add user profile fields to certificate report

per Torsten Händler -

I think you have to change the report.php

and change the code for ods xls and txt. I think (not did it) you can add an extra row to all this options.

ods line 130

 $myxls->write_string(0, 7, get_string("city")); 

then line 150

$myxls->write_string($row, 7, $user->city);

maybe this can work, but i didn't try it