Google discontinuing service for the Google-Moodle Integration

Google discontinuing service for the Google-Moodle Integration

Kimber Warden - ން
Number of replies: 6

I'm not sure whether the best place for this question is here or in the Developers' forum, but here goes...

My understanding is that the Moodle-Google integration from New Zealand Schools uses the Google Provisioning API. Unfortunately, the Google Provisioning API is being discontinued and developers are supposed to migrate to the Google Admin SDK Directory API. Is anyone else panicked about this? Or is there already a new version of the plug-in that I just haven't found? 

I'm not sure I'll be able to migrate the plug-in to use the new API on my own, so if I can't find a solution, my school is in trouble!

Thanks for any information!


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In reply to Kimber Warden

Re: Google discontinuing service for the Google-Moodle Integration

Stuart Mealor - ން

"my school is in trouble"

I'm sure it won't get that bad ހިނިތުން ވުން

I imagine there would be an update of this from the supplier ?

Worst case scenario would be you simply update to a normal version of Moodle, probably a more up-to-date version, and just add the plugins you require - which is now very easy with Moodle 2.8 onwards ހިނިތުން ވުން

In reply to Kimber Warden

Re: Google discontinuing service for the Google-Moodle Integration

Ken Task - ން

Well, at least you have some advanced warning and can start to investigate ... by that I mean, one could clone the current implementation to a 'sandbox' (either virtual apache or on an internal physical/virtual box running the same stuff).   One could then address issues or look at alternative solutions.

So which rules the roost for users authentication ... your Moodle or Google?  Got LDAP?  Got GAPP/GAFE?   Is SSO really needed ... or is it just easier?   Couldn't a Moodle use Google without the 'hooks'?

'spirit of sharing', Ken

In reply to Ken Task

Re: Google discontinuing service for the Google-Moodle Integration

Kimber Warden - ން

Our Moodle authenticates for Google. We don't have LDAP or GAPP. Theoretically, we could use Google without the hooks, but in practice, and with our student population, we do need SSO and the Google hooks.

In reply to Kimber Warden

Re: Google discontinuing service for the Google-Moodle Integration

Rob Johnson - ން

I think the only part that uses the provisioning API is the user sync.  The SSO users SAML and x509 certificates to authenticate.  Moodle in NZ also has an Open ID auth plugin for Moodle/Google, but I have not used that.

The user sync has not worked well since Moodle 1.9.  I have been using GAM for user creation on the Google side for at least the past year.  I turned off the provisioning API in the Google control panel and the SSO has still been working.

In reply to Rob Johnson

Re: Google discontinuing service for the Google-Moodle Integration

Kimber Warden - ން

It's good to know that SSO will likely keep working without Provisioning, but user creation in Google will be a problem. Can you tell me more about using GAM? I don't know anything about it.

In reply to Kimber Warden

Re: Google discontinuing service for the Google-Moodle Integration

Rob Johnson - ން

Hi Kimber,

Here is a link to GAM on github.  It is a command line tool for managing Google Apps Enterprise.  Look at the wiki for examples of what it can do.  It can manage not only users, but devices that are controlled by your GApps domain.  It can run on Windows or Linux.  My server runs Linux, but I use GAM from my Windows workstation.

I have not implemented this, but another Moodler has written a script to use GAM as a sync tool.  Please see this post.

In addition to the User Provisioning API deprecation emails, Google has been sending me email about the Docs list API being deprecated.  I do not know where this API is used, but I was thinking perhaps the GDrive repository.  Have you gotten email about the Docs List API?