OneNote, Office365 and MS Mix Plugins now available

Re: OneNote, Office365 and MS Mix Plugins now available

by C Schipper -
Number of replies: 2

We have installed the very helpful Office365 plugins to our Moodle site and are testing them now for the next academic year. Our plan is to get students to log in via O365 and to have a O365 group set up for each Moodle course. We’ll use the O365 group site as a file repository, use the group’s calendar and the automatically created email group in Outlook – all of this is fantastically helpful.

However, while testing we have come across a big problem: the O365 groups are set up fine for each Moodle course. The problem is that when we add a group to a Moodle course, another O365 group is created in addition to the course’s O365 group. The documentation at reads that O365 groups are set up for Moodle courses only, not for Moodle groups within that course?
This is going to be a problem as we use quite a lot of groups on each course and having a separate O365 group and group site created for each Moodle group is going to be very hard to manage.
Is there any way of changing this to only set up an O365 group for the Moodle course? We’re on Moodle 3.3.5+ and plugins Microsoft block, MS Office 365 integration, OpenID connect & Office365


Also, could someone clear up as it isn’t very clear in the documentation: do students on the Moodle course have editing permissions to the files on the O365 group site?


Thanks very much, and great work on an excellent set of plugins.

In reply to C Schipper

Could not find your Moodle notebook

by Open Sistemas -

We have Moodle 3.1.3+ (Build: 20161222)

I have installed all there bellow plugins metioned in this post

Every aspect of the 0365 intergration is working fine except that users cant see the onenot link, instead they get the affor mentioned error message.

Could not find your Moodle notebook.

As site admin with an 0365 account link, i can see the the link

I have read your posts

In  Site administration > Plugins > Plugins overview, i see that the plugin is not enable but there is no option to manual enable it.

What can be the problem?
In reply to Open Sistemas

Re: Could not find your Moodle notebook

by Ted Long -

Help?!  We've set up OIDC using the Client ID and Secret, but when trying to log in as a user we are receiving the following prompt from the Office log-in page:

"Need admin approval

[ApplicationName] needs permission to access resources in your organisation that only an admin can grant. Please ask an admin to grant permission to this app before you can use it.

Have an admin account? Sign in .... "

We think we've entered the correct data as per the table in under Configure your Application Permissions but can anyone advise as to other things to look for that might be causing the problem?