Show activity completion state in page summary section of course

Show activity completion state in page summary section of course

Delvon Forresterdən -
Number of replies: 0

Hi All,

I am using the html editor to show whether an activity is complete or not. What I do is hide the section the activity is in so that the students can't see it. I then use the Summary section to add html to show what I want to the students. In here I need to display beside a text whether an activity is complete or not. 

I thought using javascript/jquery would work where I would get the value of the hidden element of "completionstate" for the activity and then based on the value (0 or 1) I display 'Complete' or 'Incomplete' in the Summary section (which is where I added all the html etc to the editor).

The problem is I do not know how to get this to work. How would I use a Javascript there and what would be the scripts I would use to get this to work?

Please see an image of what I'd like attached.



Attachment completionstate.png
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