Override for non-upgradeable Assignment 2.2 in Moodle 2.7 e.g. Turnitin

Override for non-upgradeable Assignment 2.2 in Moodle 2.7 e.g. Turnitin

από Adam Barbary -
Αριθμός απαντήσεων: 0

Hi all,

Currently testing 2.7 in preparation for an upgrade. One concern I have at present is, whilst I can upgrade all the legacy Moodle assignments, this function is not available for plugin content, in this case Turnitin Basic. I acknowledge that an updated plugin for Turnitin is available, still I don't believe there is an upgrade path for the product we are currently using and it is likely that a new Turnitin integration will be sought. However, what I would like to know is, would it possible to bypass the assignment 2.2 disabled message (for administrators) so that access could still be available to view these assignments if required? From what I can tell, the basic plugin is little more than a link to Turnitin, but this would simplify accessing these courses in future rather than denying access outright.

Ideally the solution would be something like, being able to click the link provided in the Assignment update tool and being allowed to proceed to the actual assignment on Turnitin, rather than a message telling you to get the admin to update the assignment.

Any help/thoughts/suggestions appreciated.



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