Change 'per page' settings for course participants

Change 'per page' settings for course participants

Gary Ross tomonidan -
Number of replies: 3

When I go to a list of the course participants to send a message, say, it lists 20 students (in a class of 24) which an easily missed 'show all 24' link at the bottom of the page. 

I can't find anywhere to change this setting to make it show all students by default. There is a similar 'per page' setting for viewing grades but it doesn't affect this page. 

How do I change this in Moodle 2.7?

O'rtacha reytinglar: -
In reply to Gary Ross

Re: Change 'per page' settings for course participants

Juan F tomonidan -

Folks, has this option been added to Moodle 2.8 or 2.9?  Would love to have it!

Thanks, Chris

In reply to Juan F

Re: Change 'per page' settings for course participants

Mono Lith tomonidan -
On file <Moodle_folder>/user/index.php search for define('DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE', 20). Change this number as you needs (fifty in my case).

* Apparently this affects the participants lists only. I'm using version 2.9.1
