Windows Phone App with shibboleth - No browser window

Windows Phone App with shibboleth - No browser window

Rainer Schaufelberger -


I downloaded the new app for Windows Phone. We use shibboleth authentication at our Moodle-Site.

The problem is that I don't get a browser window to log in. It works perfectly with the Android-app.

Any ideas?



回复Rainer Schaufelberger

Re: Windows Phone App with shibboleth - No browser window

Juan Leyva -
Core developers的头像 Moodle HQ的头像 Particularly helpful Moodlers的头像 Plugin developers的头像 Testers的头像

Hi Rainer,

let me ask the windows developers, I don't maintain the app for that platform

Cheers, Juan

回复Juan Leyva

Re: Windows Phone App with shibboleth - No browser window

Juan Leyva -
Core developers的头像 Moodle HQ的头像 Particularly helpful Moodlers的头像 Plugin developers的头像 Testers的头像


unfortunately, it seems that the base framework we use for the app (Phonegap/Cordova) doesn't support custom URL schemes in Windows 8 and Windows 8 apps

I've updated the docs:

And I'm going to create an issue to evaluate alternatives ways for doing SSO in Windows apps

Cheers, Juan

回复Juan Leyva

Re: Windows Phone App with shibboleth - No browser window

Paul Raper -

Me too.


回复Paul Raper

Re: Windows Phone App with shibboleth - No browser window

Ben Clossfield -

I also had this problem. And It works perfectly with the android-app and iPhone app.  I conected with my support team from Intellectsoft UK. They gave a full information about this. I am reading now and hope to find sollution.