Windows Phone App with shibboleth - No browser window

Windows Phone App with shibboleth - No browser window

by Rainer Schaufelberger -
Number of replies: 6


I downloaded the new app for Windows Phone. We use shibboleth authentication at our Moodle-Site.

The problem is that I don't get a browser window to log in. It works perfectly with the Android-app.

Any ideas?



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In reply to Rainer Schaufelberger

Re: Windows Phone App with shibboleth - No browser window

by Juan Leyva -
Picture of Core developers Picture of Moodle HQ Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Plugin developers Picture of Testers

Hi Rainer,

let me ask the windows developers, I don't maintain the app for that platform

Cheers, Juan

In reply to Juan Leyva

Re: Windows Phone App with shibboleth - No browser window

by Juan Leyva -
Picture of Core developers Picture of Moodle HQ Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Plugin developers Picture of Testers


unfortunately, it seems that the base framework we use for the app (Phonegap/Cordova) doesn't support custom URL schemes in Windows 8 and Windows 8 apps

I've updated the docs:

And I'm going to create an issue to evaluate alternatives ways for doing SSO in Windows apps

Cheers, Juan

In reply to Juan Leyva

Re: Windows Phone App with shibboleth - No browser window

by Rainer Schaufelberger -

Hi Juan

OK. - Hope a solution will come up soon.

Thank you.



In reply to Juan Leyva

Re: Windows Phone App with shibboleth - No browser window

by Paul Raper -

Me too.


In reply to Paul Raper

Re: Windows Phone App with shibboleth - No browser window

by Ben Clossfield -

I also had this problem. And It works perfectly with the android-app and iPhone app.  I conected with my support team from Intellectsoft UK. They gave a full information about this. I am reading now and hope to find sollution.