Coming Soon - Moodle Social Format "eCommunity"

Re: January 9th at the Michigan Moodle Moot

by Chris Kenniburg -
Number of replies: 0
Plugin developers की तस्वीर

The product is finished.  We have the files and all is set to go for releasing this at the Michigan Moodle Moot.  

Synergy Learning did an outstanding job putting this all together.  

All is set and ready to go for next year.  We are just going to be putting some documentation together so that you will be able to install it properly.  There are 4 components to make this work fully.

The Evolve-D theme in version 1.0.3 has special styling that works best with the new social learning format.  It adds a nice and clean look for the social wall.

Demo Video located on this thread: