How does sysadmin delete submitted assignments?

How does sysadmin delete submitted assignments?

by Leon Franken -
Number of replies: 1

Moodle 2.5

Moodle lacks the functionality to easily delete submitted assignments. This is very annoying since some of our students upload their assignments to the wrong link, and on top of that some of our teachers in their haste mark those assignments in the incorrect place. We are still struggling to find a sysadmin approach to this, that solves this.

This is such a simple core function for sysadmins that it does make sense why this function would not be included. 


  • Reverting to draft does not work.
  • Deleting a submission causes a problem if the assigment has already been graded, since the mark will not reset.
  • Sometimes a submission cannot be deleted.
  • The explanation how to delete an assignment from does not work and is heavily outdated but is still part of nav tree (Right hand side of page).
  • Two requests have been made by others;

Does anyone know how to do a manual delete, or if there is a fix for this that gives a tidy delete button next to a submission when logged in as an admin?

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In reply to Leon Franken

Re: How does sysadmin delete submitted assignments?

by Mary Cooch -
Documentation writersನ ಚಿತ್ರ Moodle HQನ ಚಿತ್ರ Particularly helpful Moodlersನ ಚಿತ್ರ Testersನ ಚಿತ್ರ Translatorsನ ಚಿತ್ರ

Hello there. I'll leave it to others to add suggestions but just a little comment  on (quote) 

I looked to see what you meant by  part of nav tree (Right hand side of page) Are you seeing the link to that old forum post which is shown in the Navigation block when you happen to be looking at that particular forum/? It's not seen at any other time and the only way to get rid of it permanently would be to delete the thread altogether, but then we'd have to delete all outdated threads in that case.