Multiple uploaded Assignments are duplicate files

Multiple uploaded Assignments are duplicate files

autor Michael Mollard -
Počet odpovědí: 2


I've just had a teacher post this issue in our helpdesk system.

He has a course that is setup for assignment uploads.  He has waited till all the students have uploaded their assignments (Word .Doc files).  When he (and I) go into the course, to look at/assess the submitted assignments, all of the files are the same.  They are all pointing to the last file submitted by a student.  The timestamps are all random (as in , they seem accurate, not all the same).  The URL, the filename, (and the contents, obviously, since the URL points to a single file) are identical.

Has anyone ever seen something like this?  We are running Moodle 2.6.2+, (on SUSE Linux 11SP3).  File storage isn't an issue, and the Moodle system itself has been running fine.  File uploads are limited to 48MB, way more than required for this.

Is there any way to see if other files have been successfully uploaded, since all the files are now obfuscated in random folders (as opposed to earlier versions of moodle)

See attached for partial screen cap .. 


Příloha moodle-1.gif
Průměr hodnocení: Useful (1)
V odpovědi na Michael Mollard

Re: Multiple uploaded Assignments are duplicate files

autor Davo Smith -
Obrázek: Core developers Obrázek: Particularly helpful Moodlers Obrázek: Peer reviewers Obrázek: Plugin developers

Is there any chance that 'team' submissions were enabled for the assignment and that every student was in the same group? If that was the case, then that would explain why everyone ended up with the same files (as that is the point of team submissions).

As for the files on the server - the filenames are not random, they are based on the content of the file, rather than the original filename. This is so that multiple files with the same content are only stored once on the server - this usually leads to a significant reduction of storage space usage on the server (I've seen many gigabytes of storage being saved during upgrades from 1.9).

V odpovědi na Davo Smith

Re: Multiple uploaded Assignments are duplicate files

autor Michael Mollard -


Thanks, I just checked, and group submission is enabled .. I'll pass this on to the teacher in question.
