alphabetical order by number?

alphabetical order by number?

Joseph (Len) Kamiensky -

Point of information:

Back with Moodle 1.9 the Glossary Module would NOT present items alphabetized by number -- ie a001, a002, a003, etc.  I was told that would be taken care of with version 2.0.  Has it?  I ask because I know we have ver2.4 (I think it is) and it still doesn't work.

I had wanted to present a series of puzzles on my Math page with today's answer appearing tomorrow.  But the only way to put two glossaries in sync if not alphabetically is "by order of entry" into the glossary. (We're talking 700+ items here!)

If, indeed the newer versions of Moodle Glossary do alphabetize numerically (as do pretty much all computers) then it may just be a matter of clicking/unclicking some default switch somewheres -- where?

Thanks for any help . . .

Len Kamiensky