Course pagination

Course pagination

por nirav julasana -
Number of replies: 14

how can i add pagination feature to course page .

CONTRIB-967 can help in adding pagination to target and report .

does it help for course???

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In reply to nirav julasana

Re: Course pagination

por nirav julasana -

also tried to add patch MDL-21427

but the new function in datalib.php is not being called.

can anyone help me where can i call function get_my_course .

In reply to nirav julasana

Re: Course pagination

por Gareth J Barnard -
Imaxe de Core developers Imaxe de Particularly helpful Moodlers Imaxe de Plugin developers

Hi Nirav,

Your first post links to a module and the second post links to pagination on the front page.  Where are you attempting to add the code to?  A course format?

Also, what version of Moodle are you using?  And is it different to that shown in the patches?


In reply to Gareth J Barnard

Re: Course pagination

por nirav julasana -

hi Gareth,

i am trying to add code for providing pagination to the list of course on the front page.

yes it is for course .


i am using moodle 2.3.

in the patch.txt what does -2173,7 +2203,15 means?

does it means that from line 2173 delete 7 line and from line 2203 add 15 lines from patch.txt file to datalib.php file?

In reply to nirav julasana

Re: Course pagination

por Gareth J Barnard -
Imaxe de Core developers Imaxe de Particularly helpful Moodlers Imaxe de Plugin developers

Hi Nirav,

Ok, if its for the list of courses on the front page, then this is a theme issue.  I'll see how things go and if need be, move the post to that forum where there will be people with theme knowledge (including me).

Moodle 2.3 is unsupported now, so if you are developing something new then I'd recommend upgrading as soon as possible.

The '-' means line removed and the '+' means line added.  The patches were for M1.9 so I would guess for the most part will not work in M2.x because the theme code was completely re-written for it.  This also means that the patches will not make much sense.  So, get a copy of M1.9, apply the patches there and learn what it does and how it does it.  Then you will be able take the concept and called functions and patch them in M2.x somehow.



In reply to Gareth J Barnard

Re: Course pagination

por nirav julasana -

I have an limitation. I can work only work on moodle 2.3 . i cant upgrade it .

It would be better if there is another solution.

any other patch if available.


thanks .

In reply to nirav julasana

Re: Course pagination

por Gareth J Barnard -
Imaxe de Core developers Imaxe de Particularly helpful Moodlers Imaxe de Plugin developers

Not that I know of.

In reply to Gareth J Barnard

Re: Course pagination

por nirav julasana -

Hi ,

by making changes in 1)admin->setting-> appearance.php        2) my->index.php  3) lang->en->admin.php i am able to apply pagination to course page .

now i need to apply pagination to course categories page as shown in the attachment .

can i do pagination on this page by making changes in appearance.php , admin.php and course->index.php?

where can i add pagination code in index.php for course category page???


in my->index.php i added pagination code after



(!$currentpage->userid) {

$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM);

// So we even see non-sticky blocks




Attachment send.png
In reply to nirav julasana

Re: Course pagination

por Gareth J Barnard -
Imaxe de Core developers Imaxe de Particularly helpful Moodlers Imaxe de Plugin developers


The URL at the top of the page you want to add the code to should be the file to alter.


In reply to Gareth J Barnard

Re: Course pagination

por nirav julasana -


i know that the changes must be made in the file that is shown in the URL.

but i am not getting where should i put my code in that file.

In reply to nirav julasana

Re: Course pagination

por Gareth J Barnard -
Imaxe de Core developers Imaxe de Particularly helpful Moodlers Imaxe de Plugin developers

Hi Nirav,

I'm sorry I do not know where to put the code without spending a reasonable amount of time looking for which I don't have.


In reply to Gareth J Barnard

Re: Course pagination

por nirav julasana -



thank you!
