User Profile by Groups

User Profile by Groups

av Wen Hao Chuang -
Antal svar: 0

Dear all,

Sorry I'm a bit rusty on doing Moodle DB queries. Let's say that I have some custom user profile fields (e.g. for user's demographic data), and I want to write a query that it would display user's user profile data based on the GROUPS that they are in (e.g. GROUP1, GROUP2...etc.). How would you approach to write query?

Here is what I found:

Courses that are defined as using GROUPs

SELECT concat('<a target="_new" href="%%WWWROOT%%/group/index.php?id=',,'">',c.fullname,'</a>') AS Course
,(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM prefix_course_modules cm WHERE cm.course = Modules
,(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM prefix_groups g WHERE g.courseid = Groups
FROM `prefix_course` AS c
WHERE groupmode > 0
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