Moodle 2.6 restore never finishes

Re: Moodle 2.6 restore never finishes

Kyle Belcher - ން
Number of replies: 4

I just ran into the exact same problem on my fresh 2.6 install and my backup file is even smaller than yours. My env. is as follows:

Server 2012 R2 (IIS 8)

SQL Express 2012

PHP 5.4 (since there aren't any MS SQL drivers for 5.5 yet)


I would get to the point to where I would click the 'perform restore' button and it would chug away for a while until it would finally time out. After the time out, I would go back to the home page and the course would be there. I have a few documents and hyperlinks in the primary module of the course and then also had 7 'topics'. The topics each have a quiz in them. The topics showed up but were titled Topic 1, Topic 2 etc with no quizzes in them. So then I decided to try backing up just the quizzes and restoring them using the 'merge' restore function and VIOLA! Worked like a charm and only took 15 seconds or so.

Not exactly sure what is going on in 2.6+ but I've read several posts now about problems with restoring courses. Hope this helps you out.

In reply to Kyle Belcher

Re: Moodle 2.6 restore never finishes

Gerald Grow - ން

Thanks for the suggestion. However, I restore more than three dozen courses, so I can't use a workaround.

I'll have to stay with Moodle 2.5 until this problem gets fixed.

In reply to Gerald Grow

Re: Moodle 2.6 restore never finishes

Zac Mussatt - ން

I am suspecting that the issue has to do with how 2.6 imports question banks.  I have noticed that the worst courses to bring in are the ones with large amounts of quizzes and question banks.

Perhaps also it deals in having to change the question context.

Gerald:  As you try to import that course, do you get warnings about changing the context of question banks?


In reply to Zac Mussatt

Re: Moodle 2.6 restore never finishes

Gerald Grow - ން

Zac: I do not get any warnings.

My course with many quizzes hangs at 99+ %.

If I stop it (after an hour sometimes), I find that the gradebook categories do not get imported, and those are crucial to what we do.

I will need to restore up to 50 courses, and I cannot rebuild the gradebook for each one -- that process is very slow and mechanical.

I have tested this restore on 2.7 and get the same problem.

In reply to Gerald Grow

Re: Moodle 2.6 restore never finishes

Emma Richardson - ން
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Turn full debugging on and it should point you in the right direction.  As the "proud" owner of a huge system level quiz bank, I have had so many issues with restoring that I am about to rebuild and get rid of my system level bank in favor on course level quiz banks.

I had the same issues with restores - I found a few corrupted questions were the culprit.  Sometimes turning on debugging would actually allow the restore to complete (my theory is that the process of writing out the errors kept the process alive long enough to complete) without further interaction but on a few, I was able to trace the questions that were causing the errors through the debug output, fix them and then was able to get them to restore.