Advanced grading problems with the rubric tool in Moodle 2.4

Advanced grading problems with the rubric tool in Moodle 2.4

per Mine Ternar -
Nombre de respostes: 1

I posted the following question in relation to a discussion that was started for 2.2 problems, but I am using 2.4 and decided to post it here, hoping I would get answers.

I enjoy using the rubric tool in advanced grading, but my rubric became locked for a couple of students and I am not able to regrade their works. I am wondering if anyone knows of a solution.

Here is how I believe my rubric became locked:

I made what I considered to be a minor change to a rubric after having graded some students' works. The changes I made were mainly to add a couple more levels in scoring in two categories (as I found myself overriding the preset score levels to give a different number of points in some cases).

A message popped up asking if I would regrade earlier works. Since I thought there was no need, I clicked on the option to not regrade, thinking that would save me time.

I then noticed that I had made an error in grading one student's work. The error had nothing to do with the updates I had made to the rubric. I wanted to go back and regrade it, but the rubric was now locked and was not allowing me to select a different set of scores. I could still override the final grade and correct it in its gradebook entry, but I was not able to regrade on the rubric. I did not think that selecting the "do not regrade" option would lock me into a mode where no future changes to a student's scores would be possible. I explained the situation to the student in the feedback area and overrode the final grade to insert the correct grade in the gradebook, but I am bothered by the fact that the rubric score shows differently than the final grade and it does not allow me to make any changes to fix that.

In addition, the assignment status shows it as "draft" for some reason. It is not a draft, but I cannot change that either. I clicked on "unlock submission" but no luck. 

And one more question. I am using the blank boxes/fields to the right of the levels I have created on my rubric if I decide that a different score than what the preset levels show should be assigned. I am doing so because I do not want to have very big rubrics with too many levels to address all possible details, which would confuse the students. I want to give clear directions to the students for them to remain focused on the main goals and address the exceptions by using the fields provided on the right. (I give feedback as needed.) However, the rubric tool requires that I absolutely select a preset level score. So, even though it gives me a space to enter a different score  on the right, it seems to be designed to not allow me to make choices other than what I have preset. It does not allow me to enter a calculation based on the exceptions. There seems to be no way to override the rubric score calculation, however I can override the final grade. That results in two separate scores being displayed: 1. the rubric score, 2. the final score. I would love to know if there is a way for the rubric to display the final score based on the exceptions I make and enter in the boxes on the right and not display two separate scores. If the final score is higher, then most probably, no student will question, but if it is lower, it might invite unnecessary confusion/tension.

I would love to know if anyone has a good solution for these problems.

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En resposta a Mine Ternar

Re: Advanced grading problems with the rubric tool in Moodle 2.4

per Kerstin Namuth -


we have the same problem as Mine, I think.

We made changes to a rubric, clicked that regrading was not necessary and the rubric was locked and could not be reopened.

Is that a bug or have I just not figured out how to do it?