

by Ann Morgan -
Number of replies: 10

I asked my Moodle admin to install the Poodll plugin we are using

Moodle2.5.1+ (Build: 20130712)  He replied "The poodll plugin for audio requires a higher version of moodle" 

But when I looked I thought it was ok.  Can you tell me if any of the versions would work for our 2.5.1 version?

This really would be an exciting plugin to offer our users!

Thanks for your time!


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In reply to Ann Morgan

Re: Poodll

by Justin Hunt -
Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Plugin developers

HI Ann

PoodLL works for anything from Moodle 2.1 up. ( Though nobody should really be that far back. ) So your Moodle admin might be thinking of something else, or might have misread something.

Please try again.



In reply to Justin Hunt

Re: Poodll

by Ann Morgan -

Hi Justin, My Moodle admin  was looking at this site for downloads   http://poodll.com/downloads-for-poodll-2-3/

We have  Moodle2.5.1+ (Build: 20130712) 

I see this on the Moodle.org website  https://moodle.org/plugins/browse.php?list=set&id=13 shouldn't this be the place for downloading? 

Would you recommend to download all of the Poodll plugins?




In reply to Ann Morgan

Re: Poodll

by AL Rachels -
Picture of Core developers Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Plugin developers Picture of Testers

Hi Ann,

Yes, I would recommend downloading and using all of the PoodLL plugins. The only one I think about being optional is the PoodLL Online (assignment_poodllonline) as it is for the old Assignment 2.2 type, which I no longer use.

Your first link you have listed above downloads directly from Justin's site and if you get the Kaboodle, it will include all you need to get going.The second link is also ok, just have to download the different parts, one at a time. The main add-on of the bunch that all the other parts depend on is the filter. Their installation depends on the filter being installed, too.

If your site folder permissions are set right and your site is registered with Moodle, an admin can actually do all the installs right in Moodle 2.5.x, by going to Administration > Site Administration > Plugins > Install add-ons then click on Install add-ons from the Moodle plugins directory.


In reply to AL Rachels

Re: Poodll

by Justin Hunt -
Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Plugin developers

Hi Ann,

Just like Al said really. If you have a clear idea of where you want to use it, then you could just download the modules you need. Most people probably don't use the 2.2 assignment type anymore or the database activity field(though you can do fun stuff with it) . So if you install piecemeal from Moodle.org, you might leave those off. The one mod you must have is the PoodLL filter. Everything else uses stuff from there. Stuff generally goes up on poodll.com earlier than on Moodle.org. But at the moment everything is up to date everywhere.

Just to confuse things, there is a new mod, PoodLL Anywhere. It adds recording icons to the TinyMCE editor. If you use that you probably don't need the PoodLL repository anymore either. PoodLL Anywhere can be downloaded from the page you referenced, but it is not in the Kaboodle bundle or available from Moodle.org yet.

 Hmm, lets summarize this a bit

PoodLL Add-on On PoodLL.com In Kaboodle  On Moodle.org  Notes
PoodLL Filter Yes  Yes  Yes  
PoodLL Question Type Yes  Yes  Yes  
PoodLL Repository Yes  Yes  Yes  
PoodLL Assignment Submission Yes  Yes  Yes for new Moodle assignment
(avail. from Moodle 2.3)
PoodLL Assignment Feedback Yes  Yes  Yes for new Moodle assignment
(avail. from Moodle 2.3)
PoodLL Assignment Type Yes  Yes  Yes for old Moodle assignment
PoodLL Anywhere Yes  No  No adds PoodLL icons to TinyMCE HTML area
PoodLL Database Activity Field Yes  Yes  Yes  
In reply to Justin Hunt

Re: Poodll

by Ann Morgan -

Thanks Justin! You are awesome! I am excited and can't wait to have this installed!


In reply to Justin Hunt

Re: Poodll

by AL Rachels -
Picture of Core developers Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Plugin developers Picture of Testers

Hey Justin,

Thanks for the info about the new PoodLL Anywhere plugin for the TinyMCE Editor. Makes an already great set of plugins even better and more versatile. I was on your site just a day or two before you released it, so only just now found out about it. Thanks to Birmingham City University for getting you to develop it. Works great even on the current development version of Moodle 2.7.


In reply to AL Rachels

Re: Poodll

by Justin Hunt -
Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Plugin developers

Sure beats clicking through to the repositories all the time ...



In reply to Ann Morgan

Re: Poodll

by Richard Oelmann -
Picture of Core developers Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Plugin developers Picture of Testers

I have used Poodll on 2.3 and 2.5 with no problems at all - in fact its currently live on my 2.5 site now (It's an excellent set of plugins!)

In reply to Ann Morgan

Re: Poodll

by William Lu -

I have used Poodll on 2.3;  2.4; 2.5 and 2.6, the best and the most powerful plugs! We love it.

In reply to Ann Morgan

Re: Poodll

by Ann Morgan -

Thanks everyone!  I am passing on the information!  I appreciate all your help!