STandard Moodle Administrator

STandard Moodle Administrator

Alice Garrard-mit -
Antal besvarelser: 3

Hi - We have been running Moodle for several years on our own servers. We have recently upgraded to Moodle 2.5. We run regular backups and have come up with a plan on administration.

We are looking for a resourse that outlines basically

" Here are the standard scripts/routines and processes you should be running on a regular bases to clean up our system"

We want to be running the best systems we can and would like some more resources.


Alice Garrard

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I svar til Alice Garrard

Re: STandard Moodle Administrator

jason everling-mit -

1. Standard Server Administration for any server

2. Add Moodle Cron Script to Crontab, I recommend to run at the least every 15 minutes.

                     2.1  */15 * * * *  root   /usr/bin/php /var/www/moodle/admin/cli/cron.php

3. Optimize MySQL Bi-Weekly or at the least after every patch update or version upgrade;

                     3.1  mysqlcheck -u username -p password -o databasename



I svar til jason everling

Re: STandard Moodle Administrator

Mathew Gancarz-mit -
Core developers-ip assinga

Hi Jason, thank you for the tip on running mysqlcheck. I was wondering if you could provide a bit more information on the mysqlcheck optimize.

Does it impact performance or  when you are running it?

Do you have a rough idea of expected performance impact? From my reading it helps to free up space from deleted data and defragment the data file.

I svar til Mathew Gancarz

Re: STandard Moodle Administrator

jason everling-mit -

You need to take Moodle Offline before you optimize, running mysqlcheck. Therefor, since Moodle is offline it does not affect performance. You should also run a backup before hand since Moodle uses innodb for the storage engine and it will actually drop the table then recreate it.

Regularly running mysqlcheck on your database will keep it running smooth and healthy. You do not necessarily need to run it every other week but it is best to run it after every update/upgrade since when doing an upgrade many changes are made to the database. Mysqlcheck will defrag/free space/rebuild and reorganize the index and tables.

"You can use OPTIMIZE TABLE to reclaim the unused space and to defragment the data file. After extensive changes to a table, this statement may also improve performance of statements that use the table, sometimes significantly."

You can also use the below scripts, they will give you an idea if your tables are fragmented, in comparison, some data is redundant and some has their own unique information.

MySQL Tuning Primer

MySQL Tuner

Ref. MySQL Docs