Display Different HTML Blocks based upon Role (Moodle 2.2.2)

Display Different HTML Blocks based upon Role (Moodle 2.2.2)

Pat Soileau -
Number of replies: 0


We are using Moodle 2.2.2 and would like to display different HTML blocks on the Front Page based upon the user's role.

For example, we currently have blocks being displayed with a calendar, list of help links,  list of courses, list of links to contact teachers, etc.

We have just created a role called "non-pay," which we've assigned to users who still owe the university money.  On the Front Page, they have all their permissions set to "prevent," which essentially lets them do nothing.  This has led to numerous e-mails and phone calls to our Moodle support person, "I've logged in OK, but can't click on anything." 

What we'd like to do is display a special HTML block informing those users in "non-pay" status that their account has been locked and that they need to contact the administration in order to resolve this matter.  If possible, we'd like to make all the other blocks not be displayed for non-pay users so that when they do log in, it is obvious that this page is different.

Any suggestions on how to implement this....  or some other ideas on how to accomplish our goal (i.e., prevent access to Moodle for those users in non-pay status while communicating to them that their access has been revoked and that they need to address this matter.)?????

Any ideas, suggestions, criticisms, help, comments, etc. would be most appreciated.


Pat Soileau 

(Edited by Mary Cooch - to remove signature which is not allowed according to Forums Code of Conduct -original submission Tuesday, 14 January 2014, 8:04 PM)

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