Restoring Glossaries/Import-Export Glossaries & NanoGong

Re: Restoring Glossaries/Import-Export Glossaries & NanoGong

Penny Pearson -
Кількість відповідей: 0

Hi Matt,

Thanks for the info on the other audio recorder. My administrator is loathe to add more modules/plugins as it always seems to cause major issues with the Moodle upgrades. усміхаюсь We often DO have users that have issues with Java (especially at school sites) so your information is timely. I'll pass it along and see what she thinks.

I had not used the 'insert media' option, I'll see if I can find those .spx files that way!

Believe me, if I come up with a workaround, I'll post it! {and I really, really want one!}
