Journals upgraded to Assignments

Journals upgraded to Assignments

by Jay Melton -
Number of replies: 2
Hello all:

I just made the change to 1.5, and my many journals were converted to the Assignments module. I have a few questions related to this conversion.

1) none of the new versions show up in the weekly format. They can be found in the 'Assignments' block I set up, but I would like to get them back in their original locations week-by-week.

2) It seems I will have to do considerable clicking to give feedback to my many students' journal entries. Are there plans to create a journal assignments module that will keep all entries on one page along with the areas for my feedback. This format sure was a time-saver!

3) The text in the instructions for each of the journals I created now is centered (and is really hard to read). Will I need to apply some kind of 'align left' tag to get the text back to left justified?

There may be more, but these are the ones most pressing for me right now. I like the new version and am looking forward to the adaptive quiz! Thanks for all the hard work!

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In reply to Jay Melton

Re: Journals upgraded to Assignments

by Don Hinkelman -
Picture of Plugin developers
Thanks for the warning, Jay. I absolutely need the student journal entries ***all on one page***. It makes a big difference in handling a lot of entries in a short period of time. Clicking is not fun for labor intensive feedback, and I like doing fun things. smile

If this is the case, Journal users with the same need as mine, to **unhide your Journal Module** after upgrading to 1.5. Go to Admin >> Modules and click on the "eye". (Jay Melton reports that this worked for him).

Alternatively, you can **not upgrade Journals** before the upgrade process. This is how to do it according to Martin's instructions in the Release Notes. In your config.php file, before upgrading to 1.5, look for the following line and uncomment it (remove the # mark in front of it).

$CFG->noconvertjournals = true;

If you do not see this line, then type it into a separate line in the config.php file. Then save the file. If you have never edited config files, let us know and we can explain how.
In reply to Don Hinkelman

Re: Journals upgraded to Assignments

by Jay Melton -
Hi Don,

Thanks for the reply. I did not like the result of the conversion of the Journals to Assignments at all! Besides the clicking to give feedback to each student, there was the Internet wait for each pop up window to show up and again when submitting the feedback. The time for giving feedback would be CONSIDERABLY longer with the new format (I estimate 2 or 3 times longer).

The solution was easy (as Martin said it would earlier and Don writes above) for my post-upgrade reversion to Journals. I went to the Admin page and called up Modules. I unhid the Journals module and everything is back like it was before.
