windows 8 app

windows 8 app

by mark marshall -
Number of replies: 12

We have just released the first version of a windows 8 app for moodle. Very keen for others to try this and to share our plans with anyone interested in the topic.  It is on the windows 8 store, search for moodle. Branded for our institution CPIT but requires the moodle address to be confirmed to make it more flexible.

Many thanks to Microsoft who have helped make this happen.

Mark Marshall

ICT Director

Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology

Average of ratings: Cool (1)
In reply to mark marshall

Re: windows 8 app

by Sam Thing -

Hi Mark,

I don't know if I'm interested, you've really told me nothing about the app.

Details, links?

Cheers, Sam.

In reply to Sam Thing

Re: windows 8 app

by mark marshall -

I thought I was very clear. I said ""It is on the windows 8 store, search for moodle"  It is the only result of the search.



In reply to mark marshall

Re: windows 8 app

by Mary Cooch -
ምስሊ ናይ Documentation writers ምስሊ ናይ Moodle HQ ምስሊ ናይ Particularly helpful Moodlers ምስሊ ናይ Testers ምስሊ ናይ Translators

Hi Mark. Sorry if I am being a bit dim but I went to what I assume is the Windows 8 store and searched for Moodle and it didn't come up with anything Maybe it hasn't appeared in the search yet?

AHA! (Edit) Had an idea and changed to nz where I assume you are Mark  -and then it comes up

In reply to mark marshall

Re: windows 8 app

by Matt Bury -
ምስሊ ናይ Particularly helpful Moodlers ምስሊ ናይ Plugin developers

Hi Mark,

I found it here:

I'm assuming that this app is for Windows 8 desktop only and not for Windows Phone 8, is that true? I have a Windows Phone 8 but run Windows 7 desktop. I'm also guessing it'll run on Windows RT tablets, is that true? It lists x86, x64, and ARM architecture OS'.

More info:


For CPIT Students
CPIT Moodle will allow you to connect to and view your Moodle courses, their content, and resources all from within the app. CPIT Moodle will store all retrieved data in a cache so any downloaded resources can be viewed later offline.

This app was created for CPIT. There are no guarantees using it to connect to any other Moodle site will work correctly.
You must have a username and password registered to the Moodle site in order to connect.


  • View your course content and materials
  • Add events to your local calendar
  • Caches retrieved data so it can be viewed offline
  • View other students taking part in your courses
  • Connect to multiple Moodle instances


English (United States)

Supported processors

x86, x64, ARM
In reply to Matt Bury

Re: windows 8 app

by mark marshall -

At this stage it has been written predominantly for Windows 8 tablet and has been tested on Microsoft Surface RT and Intel platforms, plus the HP Elitebook atom unit -. We are looking at windows phone but our analysis was that we needed to concentrate on larger format devices as that is where the need was. We have standardized internally on windows tablet which is a major driver.

In reply to mark marshall

Re: windows 8 app

by Matt Bury -
ምስሊ ናይ Particularly helpful Moodlers ምስሊ ናይ Plugin developers

I think devices with small screens and no keyboard or mouse (you can't right-click, copy'n'paste, hit Ctrl, Shift, etc. on a mobile phone touch screen) are pretty limiting when it comes to using Moodle. I don't think it'd be any great loss not to have an app for small-screened devices.

Average of ratings: Cool (2)
In reply to Matt Bury

Re: windows 8 app

by Chris Chapman -

does it work well with file uploads?- a major pitfall with the ipads and thier... um awkward file systems.

I cant download it as I only have a Windows 8 Phone, trying to justify a purchase of a Surface Pro2 lol

In reply to mark marshall

Re: windows 8 app

by Howard Miller -
ምስሊ ናይ Core developers ምስሊ ናይ Documentation writers ምስሊ ናይ Particularly helpful Moodlers ምስሊ ናይ Peer reviewers ምስሊ ናይ Plugin developers

I'm not a Windows user, so it's of no interest to me but - especially with recent Moodle theme improvements - why spend time and effort on these sort of things. Most tablets have a new-fangled invention called a "web browser". All Moodle apps I have so far seen accomplish is to take functionality away. 

Average of ratings: Cool (1)
In reply to Howard Miller

Re: windows 8 app

by Matt Bury -
ምስሊ ናይ Particularly helpful Moodlers ምስሊ ናይ Plugin developers

Hi Howard,

The problem with mobile OS' is that the web browsers that come with them are a kind of "lite" version of their PC counterparts, e.g. earlier versions of iOS' web browser prohibited file uploads so if you wanted to post anything other than text on a forum, blog, etc., you needed an app.

Additionally, iOS prevents automatic playback of media (users have to click on a play button), making sequenced/synchronised multimedia presentations (a mainstay of elearning) impossible. We're constantly promised HTML5 replacements for sequenced multimedia but the truth is they just don't work on iOS browsers. Is this a deliberate policy and attempt to push more agencies and developers into distribute apps on iTunes? That's anyone's guess.

Another thing is that most of the multimedia Javascript libraries are ported from old Actionscript ones. Actionscript has memory management and garbage collection whereas Javascript doesn't. What works efficiently and effectively (good user experience), when translated into Javascript can turn into stack overflows, hanging browsers, and slow or unresponsive user interfaces (lousy user experience). Running these in PCs is usually OK because they have 3GB+ memory and "beefy" x86 Intel or AMD CPUs. Mobile devices have to make do with 2GB but usually 1GB or less and cheap, "wimpy" ARM CPUs.

I reckon mobile devices will get much better given enough time (a few years?). Perhaps Intel will eventually come out with some reasonably priced mobile "beefy" CPUs? Until then, mobile devices will be too limited for many of the demands that elearning makes of them and developers will be pushed to find workarounds such as replacing browser activities with apps and reducing the functionality of activities made for mobile browsers.

I waited until 2005 to get a laptop; the year in which entry level laptops became "useful." Let's see how long it takes for them to make "useful" mobile devices, e.g. have decent file management, can access everything on the web without the need for apps/conversion, etc.

Average of ratings: Very cool (2)
In reply to mark marshall

Re: windows 8 app

by Thiru Kumaran Muthiah -

Team, i have tried installing moodle in one of our server

Web version works fine without any issues, but unable to login from windows mobile app. Kindly help me on this. Am not getting any error message either in the windows app sad

I have enabled all the necessary services in the backend.