help with linking image map hotspots to glossary entries

help with linking image map hotspots to glossary entries

از Peter Horrox در
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OK so I have been trying for about an hour now to make a glossary entry to pop up when a hotspot within an image is clicked using the image map HTML tag.

I can get a whole image to open a Glossary dialogue box (with the question mark pointer and everything) however when I paste the same link into the image map all it does is open the glossary entry in a separate page.


<img src="../Desktop/The Traditional Dissertation.jpg" alt="Traditional" width="682" height="1049" usemap="#Map" border="0" />
<map name="Map" id="Map">

<area shape="rect" coords="217,192,314,267"  href=";eid=2415&amp;displayformat=dictionary" title="ReMe Navigation: 2. WHAT INFORMATION IS REQUIRED?" class="glossary autolink concept glossaryid211" id="yui_3_7_3_2_1384857699632_4141" />


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