Auto-linking overloading the database?

Auto-linking overloading the database?

- Peter Ruthven-Stuart の投稿
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When my classes (at least 40 students) all try to access my moodle site they often see this error message:

Error: Database connection failed.
It is possible that the database is overloaded or otherwise not running properly.
The site administrator should also check that the database details have been correctly specified in config.php

I have made a post about this message in the General problems forum: click here to see the message.

I believe the the problem is that there are too many simultaneous connections to the database. The hosting company told me that there is a limit of 10 simultaneous connections, that this was plenty, and that it could not be increased.

It has just occurred to me that the cause of this problem may be that the auto-linking function of the glossary is causing too many connections to the database. Is this possible?

In both my online courses there are student created glossaries. The idea is that as English language students they add 'difficult' words and phrases they come across in the online course material. This has been very successful; after a month of classes there are already 700 or so entries in each glossary. All these entries are automatically linked. I have installed the 'Glossary Only First' filter, but this doesn't stop the error message appearing.

So, can auto-linking overload the database to the point that it exceeds the allowed number of simultaneous connections? If yes, is there a solution other than turning off auto-linking during classes?

Any hints, ideas or help will be enormously appreciated.