What is the reality of video formats supported by (LMS+Browser+Hardware) ?

Re: What is the reality of video formats supported by (LMS+Browser+Hardware) ?

vouty - -
Vastausten määrä: 0

Hi Jonas,

I'm my "organization" and a beginner ... and sorry about my english

So, first of all, thank you for your answer which help me to confirm my opinion on video formats. I agree with the classification of video formats and  the integration of these formats on browsers (rank). However,  I noticed that LMS+Browsers doesn't work same way on android tablets. It seems that specific versions of browser exists for tablets (.. waiting for routines in hardware to manage video formats ?). So  the rank is my first step and after I'd like to test functional solution (LMS+browser) on Android tablet; I'd like to avoid parallel video formats for compatibility ...Another question is :  what is the integration of video formats on outsiders ? (Android browsers)

The other problem I met is encoding the files. For example, I used a well known free software for encoding a video to WebM and OGG formats. Everything was perfect except that I can read the WebM file on two browsers (+LMS)  but not on the third one (which has a good reputation in supporting the HTML5 video formats). I thought I solved the choice of converters 2 weeks ago but today, I'm not sure. May be I missed something.

I think I still have a lot to learn and thank you for your proposition for the plugin but I'm  using Moodle 2.4.5 and not ready to go with Moodle 2.5.

A beginner trying to understand the game and who appreciated your help.

Nota : Following that post, I simplified my test (3 video formats for testing solutions  LMS+Browsers+Devices)
(Video formats : MP4, WebM , and OGV )
siizit.com / Going faster : Test of 3 video formats (maximum coverage)
password : Video2013%  (click on course not on LOGIN)
