Better location for moodledata directory?

Better location for moodledata directory?

- hugo joe の投稿
返信数: 1

I got two servers for web and database. 

  web server:  memory 8GB, 2 cpus, hadrdisk 100GB

  database server: memory 32GB, 2 cpus, hadrdisk 300GB

To which server should I put moodledata directory? 



hugo joe への返信

Re: Better location for moodledata directory?

- jason everling の投稿

If you are talking about a 2 server setup, 1 of each. Then the best place is on the Web Server, setup RSYNC for backups to the DB server if you do not use a 3rd party solution, use APC for opcode cache and configure the MUC using the plugin, to add all other cache's into APC.

Now if you have 2 web servers and 1 DB Server, For best performance put /moodledata on a shared LUN using OCFS2 for concurrent read/write. My best opinion if you cannot have a shared LUN is to use GlusterFS for the raw data storage like the contents in /moodledata/filedir and put as much of the cache's in memcache. To make it easy for a novice, install Couchbase on all nodes and configure the MUC accordingly and since Couchbase is a drop-in replacement for memcache it will be automatically distributed and highly available.
