Full featured/complete functional test cases before upgrade

Full featured/complete functional test cases before upgrade

by Jerry Lau -
Number of replies: 5


In Moodle tracker, there used to be a list of use cases for admins, teacher, students, etc. which covers scenarios of test that Moodle.org uses before releasing a version to the public. I was given one before as an Excel spreadsheet of these test cases but they are now dated.

Instead of viewing hundreds of them online, are these test cases available as a download so can have our testers work on various test case scenarios all at once offline?

We are moving to 2.5.1 in about 2 months from now and want to test every functionality case/scenario possible or ones that we have not considered.



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In reply to Jerry Lau

Re: Full featured/complete functional test cases before upgrade

by Jerry Lau -

Something like this but downloadable 

https://tracker.moodle.org/browse/MDLQA-4602 (2.4)

https://tracker.moodle.org/browse/MDLQA-5267 (2.5 - fewer)


In reply to Jerry Lau

Re: Full featured/complete functional test cases before upgrade

by Tim Hunt -
Picture of Core developers Picture of Documentation writers Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Peer reviewers Picture of Plugin developers

You can get those lists of issues by searching for all the issues with that parent: https://tracker.moodle.org/issues/?jql=parent%20%3D%20MDLQA-5267

Then, using the views menu in the top right, you can download as Excel.

The reason there are fewer tests in 2.5 is that Moodle HQ have started automating some of the testing. See http://docs.moodle.org/dev/Acceptance_testing

You can also find all those automated tests scrips in the Moodle code if you search for *.feature files everywhere. They typically look like https://github.com/moodle/moodle/blob/master/mod/forum/tests/behat/add_forum.feature

Average of ratings:Useful (2)
In reply to Tim Hunt

Re: Full featured/complete functional test cases before upgrade

by Jerry Lau -

Doh! I did not click on the view option! Thanks again time


In reply to Tim Hunt

Re: Full featured/complete functional test cases before upgrade

by Jerry Lau -


I was able to find those files but I want to print out the contents of those files with the .feature filename all into a file so it's easier "to read"

I found the files by using fine and grep

find /my/moodle/location/folder -type f -print | grep '.feature'



How can I dump what is on each file for each filename instead of using "cat" on each file manually and coping and pasting and appending them into one big file.






In reply to Jerry Lau

Re: Full featured/complete functional test cases before upgrade

by Lawrence N -


Put this as a script or run it through your command line... this will make it look prettier big grin

for file in `find /my/moodle/location/folder/ -type f -print | grep '.feature'`
 printf "%b\n"
 echo "======================================================================================"
 echo "File $((i++)) : $file"
 echo "======================================================================================"
 printf "%b\n"
 cat $file
 printf "%b\n"




Average of ratings:Useful (1)