SCORM Tracking timing

SCORM Tracking timing

Amer Shaban -
Atsakymų skaičius: 0
Hi everyone, I don't usually start a conversation for a problem I face in Moodle unless I REALLY gave up on trying.

See I have setup my moodle on a win2k server, with apache server. And I'm connecting to MySQL database on a different server. Now I'm facing two weird problems. The first is the SCORM tracking timing issue. When I upload a SCORM and view it you get the records of attempted view. When I access it with Internet explorer sometimes it increases the timing for each slide, and sometimes it doesn't, I don't really know what the main reason is. Where in FireFox it always works!!!! I'm using the two provided java script files for initializing and working the SCORM API, the files are APIWrapper.js and SCOFunctions.js . And the header of each object is the following

<script language=javascript src="APIWrapper.js"></script>
<script language=javascript src="SCOFunctions.js"></script>
<body onload="loadPage()" onbeforeunload="doContinue('completed') onUnload="return unloadpage()">

Could the problem be from the functions I'm calling in the body tag? or could it be from a database performance?

THe other problem is the famious error that a lot of people are having which happens from time to time and it would work properly if I refresh the page, the error is :

Error: Database connection failed.
It is possible that the database is overloaded or otherwise not running properly.
The site administrator should also check that the database details have been correctly specified in config.php

I hope someone would find a clue for these problems. Thanks besišypsantis
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