Activity Completion in Aardvark and IE

Activity Completion in Aardvark and IE

von Scott Karren -
Anzahl Antworten: 0


I am testing 2.4.4+ (Build: 20130614) with the Aardvark 2.4 theme in IE 9 and have found a number of interesting things with it.

One of the more frustrating right now is that the activity completion boxes do not seem to appear in IE as they do in Chrome or Firefox.

If you look at the screenshots below you will see what I mean.

Firefox with the completion boxes

IE 9 without the completion boxes


I believe that the CSS code for these is being pulled from Base or Canvas as I can't find it in the core.css for aardvark.  What has me stumped is how to get these to appear in IE, any ideas?



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